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the game mas

A member registered Dec 17, 2020

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(1 edit)

I tried to plug 2 controllers to my laptop to play with my friend but it only let the 1st player play with a controller and forced the 2nd player to use the key bored is there a way to fix that 

edit- Never mind i figured it out 

so I went over to it and found this

I was playing the game like normal and saw this in the distance 

(1 edit)

 I actually cried at the end no joke

if I wasn't there Jerry was going to die every 5 minutes

hard mode actually hard

how long did it take you to type that

there was a hand in the window 

the cat from find your home is in the corner of the screen

that box is Mysteries being that travels through time and space to annoy people and take their money

I really love the end of the game the game

I broke the space time continuum